Dive sites Bonaire

Christmas Day Dive

Fish ball

Awesome visibility

Underwater selfie

Purple tube sponges

Camo fish


Sgt Major

Blue Tang

Moray Eel

French Angelfish

Porcupine fish

Ha ha

Dive Site 20 - Oil Slick Leap

Queen Angelfish

Natures art

White spotted grouper

Interesting coral

Red Hind

Rush hour


Moray on the move

What er you looking at?

Robert just hanging around

Stoplight Parrotfish

Blue Chromis

Crystal coral

Smooth Trunkfish



Porcupine fish


Creole Wrasse

Love coral

Smooth Trunk Fish

French Angelfish

Four Eye Butterfish

Purple Pipe Coral

Bicolor Damselfish


Queen Angelfish

Dive Site J - Joannes Sunchi


Such a cutie

Yellowhead Wrass

Cathy and the Porcupine fish

Rock Beauty

Notice the heart shaped eye

Banded Shrimp

Yellowtail Snapper

Black Grouper

Rest stop under dinghy

Banded Butterflyfish

Cathy observing a filefish

Blue Tang

Dive Site 26 - Cliff

Stoplight Parrotfish

Wrasse observing a green turtle



Dive Site 25 - Small Wall

Sargent Major welcome

Just resting

Yellow Goatfish

Porcupine Fish

Queen Parrotfish

What er you looking at?

Christmas Tree Worms

Now you see me...

Now you don't

Checking our boat bottom

Lots of fish hanging out here

Must replace mooring line

Robert on the run

Dive site X - Lionoras Reef

Queen Angelfish wears her crown

Turtle Rock

French Angelfish

Yes, whos there?

Dive site 49 - Salt Pier

Dive site 53 - Pink Beach

Dive site 16 - 1000 Steps dive site

Dive site 43 - Hilma Hooker

Stoplight Parrotfish

School of Blue Tang


Dive site 45 - Alice in Wonderland