At anchor Isla Graciosa

2 day stop before Lanzarote

On approach to Lanzarote

Welcoming with Jimmy Cornell and his daughter

BnG dressed for the Rally

The start of the seminars

Luc talks about diving

Approaching La Caldera de Los Cuervos

Walking thru the lava field

A Lava Field on Lanzarote

Inside La Caldera de Los Cuervos

The Artists Market

Interesting home decor ideas

A wine barrel bathtub

Barbados50 dressed yachts

Our first skippers meeting with Jimmy

Admirals discussion with Doina

Coffee with Roland Vicky SY Bella Luna

Visiting the sand dunes on Futureventura

Visiting the home of Cesar Manrique

The backyard

The house incorporated the lava rock

The works of Cesar Manrique

Cesars works can be found throughout the island

Another one of Cesars

Departure party in Lanzarote

BnG at the start line

Our friend Shawn Hughes

Touring Gran Canaria

Found a Harley store in Grand Canaria

Restroom choices in Harley store

Dinner out in Las Palmas

More sand dunes

Yea a beach!

Touring around Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Enjoying sangrias in Las Palmas

Photo opp

Breathtaking landscapes

Scenic roadways

Santa Lucia, Gran Canaria

Shes not really that tall, its a photo illusion

Shawn making friends

A church in Santa Lucia

The Marina in Tenerife

Barbados50 fleet in Tenerife

Siteseeing in Tenerife

Tenerife auditorium

Shawn- Buddy, I dont believe a word your saying

Inside the park in Tenerife

Cathy under the Cats Eyes

La Orotava Valley

A valley created in an instant

La Orotava Valley, Tenerife

Mount Teide in the distance

The Observatory

Amazing view

On route to Mount Teide

Cable cars take you to 200 metres from the peak

Crazy parking at Mount Teide

On our way up in the cable car

Robert and Shawn in the cable car

200 metres from the peak of Mount Teide

View from atop Mount Teide

Heading back down in the cable car

A wonderful stop for lunch

More provisioning for the crossing

Learning to make sushi.jpg

Preparing the rice

Removing the bones

The proper cutting technique

Enjoying the results of our efforts

The sushi party

Jimmy Cornell addressing the group

A serious weather discussion

Barbados50 dressed yachts in Tenerife

BnG under sail on route to La Gomera

A farming town in La Gomera

How the Canaries formed

Restaurant with a view

Narrow roads for a two way street

Ah Oh! Who has the right of way?.jpg

A hike thru the national park on La Gomera

BB50 on tour

Bus tour thru La Gomera

The Villa de San Sebastian, capital of La Gomera

All dressed up in La Palma

Barbados50 group at La Palma Marina

Town Square San Bartolo, La Palma

Thats some bridge!

Walking to the waterfall in La Palma

Heres the waterfall

Banana trees everywhere

Robert and Steve in La Palma

Robert and Chris Crispy at his farewell party

Nice restaurant with a view

The view